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Meet Amelia

Our Message

Know where to go, you're not on your own.

This short film is for ALL students and staff at ANU. Mental health matters for everyone. We wanted to raise awareness for CALD and international students who, in particular, may be facing unique struggles affecting their mental health. They may be far from home and their families, struggling with cultural and language barriers, finding it challenging to navigate Australian culture and support services and experiencing social and/or financial pressures.

Mental health literacy across CALD communities is poor on a comparative basis to Western culture and society, hence mental health stigmatisation remains a prominent issue faced by many. As a result, CALD individuals often lack the capacity to seek help regarding their mental health, thus our key message in producing this video is to solidify the fact in knowing where to seek help because you are not on your own. 


Please spread kindness, support and share with your fellow students, friends and family!

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis and are having thoughts of death, self-harm, or suicide, please get in touch with a 24/7 Crisis Support Service (Free and confidential)

→ Lifeline Australia 📞 13 11 14

→ Suicide Callback Service 📞 1300 659 467 https://www.suicidecallbackservice.or...

→ 1800 RESPECT 📞 1800 737 732 (sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse)

→ Relationships Australia 📞 1300 364 277

→ Mensline Australia (Supports Australian men and boys dealing with family and relationship difficulties) 📞 1300 789 978

→ Beyond Blue 📞 1300 22 4636 (support for depression, anxiety and mental health)

→ NACCHO (National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation) 📞 02 6246 9300


MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES (Free or paid, ALL are confidential)

To access helplines based in your country, visit  

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